Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My First Blog - Being A Testimony

In my first blog I am sure there are many things that I could blog about but I must make this first blog about what I am called to do. I am a born again Christian called to be a testimony to and for our Lord. Being a testimony means a lot of things to a lot of different people. However, when you boil it all down we are to represent our Lord Jesus Christ.
Making a choice to have Jesus in your life is a big decision. Some people as we witness to in our life have very little response to the good news of the gospel. I recall one time I was in the prison going from bed to bed witnessing to them about the Lord. I remember one young man said he didn't need God in his life because he was his own god. I tried to reason within my self why he thought that but the more he talked the more you could tell he didn't want anyone to tell him how to live his life. After moments of him telling me how he was his own god in front of all his friends I simply stated "If you are your own god then you are doing a very poor job for you are here in prison for years to come." Of course if you where there you would begin to hear his "reasoning" why he was there. He was there because he was his own god choosing his own destination that lead him to prison.
There have been others when spoken to about Jesus they have accepted Him as their Saviour noting that He saved them from a destination of hell's prison. They readily accepted Jesus and I have witnessed the lives that have changed because of this great decision. We have seen people accept the Lord in our ministries, outside the church as we knock on doors, and even people in the market place. Throughout my life I have witnessed such people who were more than ready to surrender their lives unto the Lord.
Yet, there are those we meet that we are not sure because they were not sure where they would spend eternity. I remember a man I meet when I was asked to have a part in his son's funeral. His name was Dusty Rhodes. For many you may have never heard of his name but in the sports world he was kind of an icon for some of his achievements. After the funeral he told me he wanted to come and talk to me about what I said during the funeral. It was evident it weighed heavy upon him and he was not ready to talk about then. He told me he was coming through the area soon as wanted to stop by.
While I waited on him to call me one day I decided to buy one of his baseball cards. I purchased the Dusty Rhodes card from someone when he played for the New York Giants. This man was born just miles from the us in Deatsville, Alabama. He once hit 2 home runs in the 1954 World Series to beat the Indians but his achievements where over shadowed by the great outfield catch of Willie Mays. He became known as a pinch hitter who was capable of one hit to turn his team to go ahead. With all his achievements in the sports world he was a man that seemed to be searching for something.
It wasn't long ago that I received word that Mr Rhodes died in June. Sorry to say I never got to meet him again to talk more about Jesus. I have a card that I wanted him to sign, a picture of the team from the 1954, but I have no assurance where he his spending eternity. I am reminded of two verses: 2 Corinthians 6:2 ".... now is the accepted time;behold, now is the day of salvation." Secondly I am reminded of what King Agrippa said to Paul in Acts 26:28 ".... Almost, thou persuadest me to be a Christian."
I am sure glad my eternity has been settled. All the worlds achievements well never measure up to the voice of our Lord saying "Well done my Son."


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